SOS Fire Week!

Teachers in Romanian schools exceeded all our expectations. After participating in the training organized by The Open Network for Community Development Foundation within the “SOS Fire!” project, the over 45 teachers organized 45 activities during the “SOS Fire Week!” in the 20 schools enrolled in the project. So, using different methods from the educational box, […]

SOS Fire Week!

Teachers in Romanian schools exceeded all our expectations. After participating in the training organized by The Open Network for Community Development Foundation within the “SOS Fire!” project, the over 45 teachers organized 45 activities during the “SOS Fire Week!” in the 20 schools enrolled in the project. So, using different methods from the educational box, […]

We are ready for the SOS Fire Week!

Although the restrictions of the pandemic still keep us at distance, the Romanian team of the SOS Fire! project organized the training with teachers in the country. They got to know our project, the objectives and the results we want to achieve with their support. Held on May 24, 2021, the SOS Fire training! gathered […]

Training SOS Fire!

On May 7, took place the monthly meeting of the project partners. We discussed the project activities, the status of Covid-19 safety measures in schools in each country, the schedule of intellectual outcomes and future training in the project. Thus, the Romanian team announced that on May 24, 2021, it will organize an online training […]

The SOS Fire! presented to GLT Constanța volunteers

În luna noiembrie 2020, ne-am întâlnit cu voluntarii Grupului Local de Tineret – GLT Constanța cu care am povestit despre proiectul SOS Fire!. Întâlnirea a fost realizată cu ocazia cursului „Cum să fii un bun voluntar pe timp de pandemie” realizat în Mahmudia, jud. Tulcea, curs desfășurat în cadrul proiectului “Voluntar în pandemie” implementat de […]


The monthly meeting of the project partners took place on October 26. We discussed project activities, the status of Covid-19 safety measures in schools in each country, the timing of intellectual outcomes, and future training in the project. We are working on finalizing the translated version of the project website and translating the various materials […]


The monthly meeting of the project partners took place on October 26. We discussed project activities, the status of Covid-19 safety measures in schools in each country, the timing of intellectual outcomes, and future training in the project. We are working on finalizing the translated version of the project website and translating the various materials […]

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