The SOS Fire! presented to GLT Constanța volunteers

În luna noiembrie 2020, ne-am întâlnit cu voluntarii Grupului Local de Tineret – GLT Constanța cu care am povestit despre proiectul SOS Fire!. Întâlnirea a fost realizată cu ocazia cursului „Cum să fii un bun voluntar pe timp de pandemie” realizat în Mahmudia, jud. Tulcea, curs desfășurat în cadrul proiectului “Voluntar în pandemie” implementat de către AGLT.

In November 2020, we met with the volunteers of the Local Youth Group – GLT Constanța with whom we talked about the SOS Fire! Project. The meeting was held on the occasion of the course “How to be a good volunteer during a pandemic” held in Mahmudia, Tulcea County, a course conducted within the project “Volunteer in a pandemic” implemented by AGLT.

The presentation session was given by Istvan Hesfelean, an expert in the SOS Fire! Project. During the session, we talked about some activities within the project, presented the project’s evolution, and launched the invitation to follow us on the Facebook Page.